Space Rocket and Propulsion Control

Felix Ebert

Lehrstuhl für Raumfahrtantriebe & -mobilität TUM School of Engineering and Design

Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 11:00 - 11:59

SYSCOP Meeting Space, Georges-Koehler Alee 102

New spacecraft mission profiles, such as planetary landing and the need for overall mission cost reductions, require more flexible propulsion systems. In addition, crewed missions are gaining more relevance, requiring high reliability from the spacecraft and its propulsion system. Controlling a spacecraft’s position and attitude breaks down into controlling the thrust level of its propulsion system. The processes in propulsion systems (fluid dynamics, combustion) are naturally non-linear. Non-linear constrained optimal control has the potential to control the thrust level over a wide operating range giving the propulsion system flexibility while focusing on optimal propellant consumption and component lifetime and, in addition, realizing reliability by satisfying constraints.

During this talk, I will introduce rocket and propulsion system physics on a high level. Based on this, I will present my current progress regarding implementing a propulsion system model and controlling its thrust within the CasADi environment.