On February 6, 2016, two articles appeared in Badische Zeitung on airborne wind energy, a general one (“Lenkdrachen als Kraftwerk”, http://www.badische-zeitung.de/bildung-wissen-1/lenkdrachen-als-kraftwerk--117060045.html ) and one focusing on the work of the team(“Freiburger Forschen an Lenkdrachen, die Strom erzeugen”, http://www.badische-zeitung.de/bildung-wissen-1/freiburger-forschen-an-lenkdrachen-die-strom-erzeugen--117059978.html ).
The article reports on the work in the ERC project HIGHWIND and the Marie-Curie-Project AWESCO, and followed a visit by photographer Ingo Schneider and Journalist Katharina Meyer on the Wednesday before. At this occasion, also some pictures were taken by Natascha Thoma-Widmann, two of which which we show here.