Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 9:00 - 17:00
Room 02-016/18, Georges-Koehler-Allee 101, Freiburg 79110, Germany
Recent algorithmic progress made it possible that quadratic programming solvers can run on embedded platforms with kHz and MHz sampling rates. Aim of this small technical workshop is to bring together algorithm developers to discuss recent algorithmic progress, in a highly interactive format. Topics of interest are, among other, code generation software for active set and interior point QP methods and sparsity exploitation for optimal control problems, condensing, band structured linear algebra, dual decomposition, and iterative methods. A special focus is on open-source software for code generation of embedded QP solvers and their application to real-world problems in control and estimation. The workshop participation including coffee breaks is free of charge, but please register before March 12, 2014, on the following doodle, that also includes one slot for a joint lunch at own cost (in a restaurant, below 15 Euro):
If you want to contribute a short talk, please send a title and short abstract to Milan Vukov before March 12, 2014.
The workshop is organized by Moritz Diehl, Milan Vukov, and Christine Paasch.
Support by the Initial Training Network TEMPO (EU-FP7 Grant No 607957) is gratefully acknowledged.