Time Optimal Control of Electric Drives with Constraints

Sabrina Graber


Tuesday, October 24, 2017, 12:00 - 13:00

Room 01-014, Georges-Köhler-Allee 103, Freiburg 79110, Germany

Nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) is a control technique that enjoys an increasing interest from both academics and industry. It allows to include state and input constraints explicitly in the optimization. This can compared to other control techniques improve the performance in case fast setpoint changes are desired. This thesis deals with time optimal control of permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) including constraints on voltage and currents. The aim is to have a fast torque setpoint change. Until now an offline open loop solution has been implemented and recent work is the development of an MPC solution based on a direct multiple shooting approach using an SQP-solver.