Leonardo Cecchin

External PhD Student

Short Bio

Leonardo Cecchin graduated in Automation and Control Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in October 2020, with the thesis “Graph-Based Exploration and Mapping for Mobile Robots”. From November 2020 until June 2021 he has been a Research Fellow at SAS-Lab, working on graph-based approaches for exploration and mapping with autonomous multicopter drones, equipped with positioning systems and LiDAR turrets. Since July 2021 he is carrying out a PhD at Bosch Research, Germany, in the framework of the Marie Curie Initial Training Network “ELO-X”.

Research Topic

Hydraulic systems are integral to our modern society, powering a wide range of applications, from industrial machinery to construction equipment. Their efficiency is vital in conserving energy resources. To address this, the project centers on the creation of an Adaptive Multilayer Model Predictive Controller for Hydraulic systems. It entails modeling of the system, the exploration of diverse control strategies across system components, and the holistic assessment of the controller’s architecture. The controller’s performance is rigorously tested through simulation, benchmarked against alternative approaches, and ultimately validated in real-world experimental settings.
