Phone: +49-761-203-73278
I received my Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Tuzla in 2015 and my Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Technical University of Munich in 2018. I received a DAAD scholarship for my master's studies. My PhD was supervised by Prof. Moritz Diehl. I started my PhD in 2018 as an external industrial PhD student at Siemens Technology Munich, in the Autonomous Systems and Control research group. In October 2021, I moved to the University of Freiburg. Together with my co-authors, I received the IEEE Control Systems Letters Outstanding Paper Award for 2022. I successfully defended my PhD (summa cum laude) in November 2023. For a brief overview of my research, please take a look at my interview in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine.
Currently, I am interested in developing numerical methods for optimal control of hybrid and nonsmooth dynamical systems, including ODEs with discontinuous vector fields (Filippov systems, switched systems, dynamic complementarity systems, and similar), systems with state jumps (mainly systems from nonsmooth mechanics), and mixed-integer controls.
For more details about my work see the lecture slides of the Summer School on Direct Methods for Optimal Control of Nonsmooth Systems. For publications, check out the list below or my Google Scholar page.
The implementation of all of my methods and reformulations are publicly available in the open-source packages nosnoc and nosnoc_py.
I am open to supervising talented and ambitious Bachelor's and Master's students for their theses. You are welcome to propose a topic, or I can help identify one that aligns with both our interests. If you are interested in working with me, please send an email outlining your area of interest. Please attach your CV and a recent transcript to your email.
Currently available master theses:
If you are from industry or academia and interested in collaboration, please feel free to contact me. I am always open to engaging in exciting academic or application-oriented collaborations.