This page below contains the list of courses taught by Moritz Diehl before 2013.
A list of all courses since 2013 together with their materials is available here.
- Sep-Dec 2006-2013 (for seven years): Numerical Optimization Course (H03E3a), Leuven
- July 2013: Course on Embedded Optimization for Nonlinear MPC, Stuttgart
- February 2013: Course on Numerical Methods for Optimization of Dynamics Systems, MODPROD, Linkoping
- August 2012: Dynamic and Embedded Optimization Course, Aalborg
- July 2011: Nonlinear Dynamic Optimization Course,, Trento
- Feb-May 2011: Numerical Optimal Control lecture course, ETH Zurich
- June 2010: Course in on "Numerical Optimal Control", Trondheim
- March 2010: ATHENS Course "Embedded and Convex Optimization for Control" (with S. Boyd, Y. Wang, J. Mattingley, B. Houska, H.J. Ferreau), Leuven
- November 2009: ATHENS Course "Numerical Optimal Control Algorithms, and Applications in Renewable Energy Systems", Leuven
- November 2007: SOCN Graduate School Course "Numerical methods for nonlinear optimal control problems", Leuven
- November 2007: ATHENS Course "Dynamic Process and System Optimization", Leuven
- March 2007: ATHENS Course "Dynamic Process and System Optimization", Leuven
- Summer 2006: Lecture "Modern Convex Optimization", Heidelberg
- Summer 2005: Lecture "Numerical Mathematics II: Optimization with ordinary differential equations", Heidelberg
- Winter 2004/2005: Lecture "Algorithmic Optimization I", Heidelberg
- Industry Workshop "Dynamic Process Optimization", Ladenburg, October 7-8, 2004
- Winter 2003: Lecture "Algorithmic Optimization I", Heidelberg
- Summer 2003: Lecture "Mathematik B für die molekulare Biotechnologie", Heidelberg, 4 hours a week (Script in German)
- Winter 2002/2003: Lecture "Mathematik A für die molekulare Biotechnologie", Heidelberg, 4 hours a week.
- Summer 2002: Lecture "Introduction into Numerical Mathematics" , Heidelberg, 4 hours a week, and organisation of exercises,