Numerical Optimal Control

Lectures: Prof. Dr. Moritz Diehl,          Exercises: Florian Messerer 

The course’s aim is to give an introduction into numerical methods for the solution of optimal control problems in science and engineering. The focus is on both discrete time and continuous time optimal control in continuous state spaces. It is intended for a mixed audience of students from mathematics, engineering and computer science. Students from other fields are also welcome.

*** This page is intended for the course as taught in the winter semester 2024/25 at the University of Freiburg. For a timeless version with a focus on self study of the material see here. ***


Structure of the course

This course is organized as inverted classroom and we provide recordings of the lecture and of the exercise solutions. We will meet once a week to discuss lecture or exercises. The course has 6 ECTS. It is possible to do a project to get an additional 3 ECTS, i.e., a total of 9 ECTS for course+project.

Meetings: We will meet every Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00 in Room HS II, Albertstr. 23b (Institutsviertel).

More content TBA.