Modelling and System Identification

Prof. Moritz Diehl, Jakob Harzer

Modelling and System Identification (MSI) is concerned with the search for mathematical models for real-life systems. The course is based on statistics, optimization and simulation methods for differential equations. The exercises will be based on pen-and-paper exercises and computer exercises with Python.

Course language is English and all course communication is via this course homepage.

If you have any questions regarding the exercises/lectures, please send an email to the tutors,

Course Organization Summary Slides

Lectures. The lectures will take place on Mondays, 8:30 - 10:00 a.m in Building 101, HS 026 and Wednesdays, 8:30-10:00 a.m. in Building 101, HS 036. If you cannot attend, you may watch the lecture recordings, see below.

Exercises. The exercise sheets include both pen-and-paper exercises as well as programming exercises using Python. Exercise sheets can be handed in before the lecture on Monday, 8:30 or put into the Mailbox in front of room 00-075 in the ground floor of building 101 before. Programming exercises are handed in via Github Classrooms (more on that below). You have one week to work on the sheet and you might work in groups of at most three students.

Exercise Sessions. During the exercise session, the tutors disscuss the exercise solutions. Afterwards there is room for questions on the current exercise sheet.

  • Group 1: Wednesday, 14:15 - 15:45, SR 00-031, Building 051
  • Group 2: Thursday, 10:15 - 11:45, SR 01-009/13, Building 101
  • Group 3: Thursday, 14:15 - 15:45, SR 03-026, Building 051

Written material. The lecture closely follows the script, which can be found below:

  • Lecture notes on Modelling and System identification: PDF

If you missed the first lecture, you can pick up a printout of the script in Building 102, in the cupboard in front of room 00 075.

Please note that we do not cover Chapter 8.4. Additional material that covers some of the lecture contents:

  • A script by Johan Schoukens (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium), which can be found here.
  • The textbook Ljung, L. (1999). System Identification: Theory for the User. Prentice Hall. This book is available in the faculty library.

Ilias Course. We provide a forum where you can discuss your questions with your peers or the tutors.  Also we upload solutions and old exams here. Click here to join the Ilias course

Final Evaluation and Microexams

Please make sure you register for both the MSI Exam and the MSI Studienleistung!

The final grade of the course is based solely on a final written exam at the end of the semester. The final exam is a closed book exam, only pencil, paper, and a calculator, and two handwritten double-sided A4 sheets of self-chosen formulae are allowed. It will take place on 21.03.2024, 14:00 -16:30.

Each exercise sheet gives a maximum of 10 points. Three microexams written during some of the lecture slots give a maximum of 10 exercise points each. In order to pass the exercises accompanying the course (Studienleistung), one has to obtain at least 50% of the maximum exercise points in each of the three blocks:

  • Block 1: Exercises 1 - 3 + Microexam 1 (total 40 points)
  • Block 2: Exercises 4 - 6 + Microexam 2 (total 40 points) 
  • Block 3: Exercises 7 - 10 + Microexam 3 (total 40 points + 10 Bonus Points)

In a microexam, you will have 45 minutes for 20 multiple-choice questions on the lecture and exercises of the respective block. 

To prepare for the written exam, check out the exams from previous semesters: 2019, 2018, 2015, 2014. (Please note that these exams contain questions on Appendix C of the MSI script, which is not covered in this year's lecture)

Solution video for the 2018 exam


Mon, 14.10Introduction Lecture
Wed, 16.10Lecture
Mon, 21.10Linear Algebra Tutorial
Wed, 23.10Lecture
Mon, 28.10Statistics Tutorial
Wed, 30.10Lecture
Mon, 04.11Lecture
Wed, 07.11Lecture
Mon, 11.11Lecture
Wed, 13.11Lecture
Mon, 18.11,Lecture
Wed, 20.11Microexam 1 (8:15 - 9:00)
Mon, 28. 11Lecture
Wed, 29.11Lecture
Mon, 02.12Lecture
Wed, 04.12Lecture
Mon, 09.12Lecture
Wed, 11.12Lecture
Mon, 16.12Lecture
Wed, 18.12Microexam 2 (8:15-9:00), Lecture after
Mon, 06.01No Lecture
Wed, 08.01Lecture
Mon, 13.01Lecture
Wed, 15.01Lecture
Mon, 20.01Lecture
Wed, 22.01Guest Talk on: Rocket Landing Modelling, Felix Ebert, Lukas Pries, TUM, Slides of the Talk
Mon, 27.01Lecture
Wed, 29.01Microexam 3, (8:15 - 9:00), Lecture after
Mon, 03.02Summary Lecture + Coffee at Syscop Office with Tutors after
Wed, 05.02No Lecture

Mon, 17.03Q&A Session with Jakob, 10:00-12:00, SR 00-007, Building 106
Fri, 21.03Final Exam, 14:00-16:30


In the first weeks, there is no mandatory exercise sheet, but if you don't feel too confident about your linear algebra and statistics skills, you might want to check out these tutorials that cover the basics needed for the MSI course.

  1.  Python Tutorial - for more information see the paragraph below
  2.  Linear Algebra Tutorial
  3.  Statistics Tutorial

In the first weeks, we will discuss these tutorial also in the lecture and the exercises.

Exercises Sheets

SheetGH Classroom LinkDeadline
Sheet 0: IntroductionClick to Accept Exercise 021.10.2024
Sheet 1: Resistance Estimation ExampleClick to Accept Exercise 128.10.2024
Sheet 2: Statistics + Parameter EstimationClick to Accept Exercise 24.11.2024
Sheet 3: Optimality Conditions and Linear Least SquaresClick to Accept Exercise 311.11.2024
Sheet 4: Regularized, Ill-Posed and Weighted Linear Least-SquaresClick to Accept Exercise 418.11.2024
Sheet 5: Maximum Likelihood and MAP EstimationClick to Accept Exercise 502.12.2024
Sheet 6: Recursive Least SquaresClick to Accept Exercise 609.12.2024
Sheet 7: Dynamic SystemsClick to Accept Exercise 708.01.2025
Sheet 8: Nonlinear Least SquaresClick to Accept Exercise 813.01.2025
Sheet 9: Kalman FilterClick to Accept Exercise 920.01.2025
Sheet 10: Extended Kalman FilterClick to Accept Exercise 1003.02.2025


Github Classroom To distribute, collect and grade your coding exercises, we utilise Github Classroom. This service provides, for your exercise team, a Github repository for each exercise. If you have never worked with Git before, here we have linked a tutorial.

To use Github Classroom, every students need a github account. If you don't have one, or don't want use your private one, feel free to create a fake account just for this course. To identify your coding score with you immatriculation number, please register both your immatriculation number and your Github profile with us here. OTHERWISE YOU WILL NOT GET POINTS FOR YOUR CODING EXERCISES.

The exercise workflow looks as follows:

  1. Accept the exercise for your team above.
  2. Clone the exercises locally onto your computer.
  3. Work on the exercise, by executing the scripts
  4. Check your solutions by running


    in the console.

  5. Commit & push your solutions
  6. The same tests (with slightly different input data) are rerun on the server.

Python For the programming exercises we use Python. To work on the exercises please make sure to have Python installed on your system.

Python Installation

Here is a short guide on how to set up Python along with the IDE VS Code. If you already have Python installed on your system or want to use another IDE, feel free to skip to bullet 4.

  1. Install Python for your operating system
  2. Install VS Code
  3. Install the Python Extension for VS Code
  4. Install the required python packages:
Python Tutorial Notebooks

For people who do not know Python or want to refresh their knowledge, we provide a series of Jupyter notebooks to give you an introduction to data science programming in python. More resources, such as video tutorials for Python can be found online.

  1. Download and unzip the Tutorial Notebooks into a folder of your choice

  2. Open the folder in VS Code (File -> Open Folder)

  3. Open the first Notebook by going through the file tree (notebooks/1-basics/PY0101EN-1-1-Hello.ipynb)



Lecture Recordings

October 18 - October 20Lecture 1: Introduction + Resistance Estimation1-1.2
October 24 - October 28Lecture 2: Resistance Estimation + Statistic Basics1.2.2-2.3
October 24 - October 28Lecture 3: Random Variables + Statistical Estimators2.3-2.4
October 31 - November 4Lecture 4: Resistance Estimation Revisited2.5-3.1
November 7 - November 11Lecture 5: Optimization Basics + Linear Least Squares3.1-4.2
November 7 - November 11Lecture 6: WLS + Ill-posed Problems4.3-4.4.1
November 14 - November 18Lecture 7: Statistical Analysis of WLS4.5-4.7
November 14 - November 18Lecture 8: Maximum Likelihood Estimation5-5.1.1
November 21 - November 25Lecture 9: MAP Estimation + Recursive LLS5.2-5.3.2
December 5 - December 9Lecture 10: Cramer Rao Bound
(the part on Section 5.4: Cramer Rao Bound starts at 38min)
(Section 5.4.1: Proof of Cramer Rao Bound. Note that the proof is not required for the exam)
December 12 - December 22Lecture 11: Practical Solution of NLS5.5.
January 9 - January 13Lecture 12: Dynamic systems (Part1, Part2, Part3) (2,5 hours in total)6.1-6.1.2
January 16 - January 20Lecture 13: Output and Equation Errors (1h)7.1-7.3
January 23 - January 27Lecture 14: State Space Models (0,5h)7.4
January 23 - February 27Lecture 15: RLS + Kalman Filter (1h)9.1-9.3
January 30 - February 3Lecture 16: Extended Kalman Filter (1h)9.5
January 30 - February 3Lecture 17: Moving Horizon Estimation (1,5h)